Software Architecture

AWS Architecture Blog (
Latest: 11/6/2024
DZone Microservices Zone (
Latest: 11/4/2024
Microservice architecture (
Latest: 11/4/2024
Software Architecture Monday | Developer to Architect | Mark Richards (
Latest: 11/3/2024
Software Architecture & Design (
Latest: 9/30/2024
The Architect Elevator (
Latest: 7/15/2024
SEI Blog | CERT/CC Vulnerabilities (
Latest: 6/3/2024
Notes of SoftwareArchitect.ID (
Latest: 4/28/2023

Research and Trend

Refcardz and Guides Feed (
Latest: 10/31/2024
Increment (
Latest: 11/9/2021

General Software Engineering

The Pragmatic Engineer (
Latest: 11/7/2024
ByteByteGo Newsletter (
Latest: 11/7/2024
InfoQ - Architecture & Design - News (
Latest: 11/7/2024
Effective Software Design (
Latest: 10/30/2024
Easyread - Medium (
Latest: 10/11/2024

Data Science

Towards Data Science - Medium (
Latest: 11/7/2024


Martin Fowler (
Latest: 11/5/2024
Architecture, Data and Intelligence (
Latest: 4/1/2024
Allen Holub (
Latest: 7/11/2022
Letters From Iman (
Latest: 2/25/2021

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